We’re a group of Christians from around the world: we have roots in Britain, Pakistan, India, Nepal, China, The Philippines, Romania, St Vincent, Jamaica, Barbados, Brazil, New Zealand, Turkey, Poland, Georgia, Germany, Nigeria, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Spain, the list goes on…and we are one family because we are rooted in Jesus. We get to worship Him together and make disciples together.
Whoever you are and wherever you come from, you are very welcome..

Regular Programme
Sunday Service
Our Sunday service starts at 10:30 and lasts approximately 1 hour although this is not a strict time limit.
Online streaming
We stream the services live on our YouTube channel every Sunday morning, starting at 10:20 GMT and beginning the service proper at 10:30
Our Youtube Channel is MillRoadBaptistWellingborough
All the services that we’ve live-streamed remain as content on our Youtube channel, so if you want to catch up on the preaching, that’s the place to go: just type MillRoadBaptistWellingborough into the search bar on Youtube or follow this link MillRoadBaptistWellingborough – YouTube and if you missed it live you can catch up.
Bible Studies
There are two main Bible Study groups happening at present and you’re welcome to join in as and when you can.
One group happens on Zoom 13:30 on Tuesday and another on Thursday evenings at 19:00 is held in person in the Newell Room at the church.
We’re also running a “Who is Jesus?” course and there is a separate tab for that on the main menu of this website.
Just email administration@millroadbaptistwellingborough.com for joining details for any of these.
Friday Party
You have to be there! But let’s just say a way of hanging out together as God’s family and welcoming whoever wants to come. We meet in the School Room from 6-8pm and it’s the place to be if you like to play games, do crafts, eat, chat, exercise…It’s only really not the place for someone if they either don’t do fun or don’t believe that fun belongs in church.
For July and August Friday Parties are held in Castle Fields, weather permitting. Check the Friday Party page for more details.
Prayer meeting
We hold a prayer meeting on the first Saturday each month from 10am until noon. Drop in and join us for as long as you like.
How to get in touch:
The office phone number is 01933 276631. There is an answering machine at times when no-one is available.
The email address is administration@millroadbaptistwellingborough.com